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Canoga Park Neighborhood Council 2016 Disaster Drill

The Canoga Park NC is embarking on what is hoped is another very successful disaster drill. One that would exceed the success of the 2014 Madrid Theater Drill. Everyone is invited to participate in the planning and the actual drill. The initial details of the drill and suggested levels of participation are listed below. If you […]


The Canoga Park NC is embarking on what is hoped is another very successful disaster drill. One that would exceed the success of the 2014 Madrid Theater Drill.

Everyone is invited to participate in the planning and the actual drill. The initial details of the drill and suggested levels of participation are listed below. If you can contribute more or have other suggestions, please present them.

Please RSVP if you can attend the May 11th meeting.

Canoga Park Neighborhood Council Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee 2016 Disaster Drill

Next Committee Planning Meeting:  May 11th, 2016 7:00PM, 7108 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park  91303

Drill Scenario:     Natural Gas Explosion during a Community Block Party.

Drill Location:     Alleyway between Owensmouth Ave. and Remmet Ave.

                             Wyandotte Ave. to Sherman Way

                             Limited access to 4 structures.

Tentative Date(s):   Saturday(s)  July 16th/ July 23rd, 2016

Purpose: Disaster response. Triage and Burn care and treatment. Light search and rescue.  Proper carry techniques.

Invited Participants/Activity:

  1. Canoga Park NC Board members: Participants/Observers
  2. CERT:  Incident Command, Triage, light Search and Rescue
  3. LAPD Cadets:  Rescue and victim participants  (CERT B17 Coordinator Jeff Shirey will be the liasion with LAPD.)
  4. LAPD:  Traffic control
  5. LAFD:  Triage Hand Off
  6. EMD:   ??
  7. Hollywood Make Up Academy: Moulage
  8. Be More Prepared: Hydration and Supplies  (Disaster Fair assistance?)
  9. ACS (Auxiliary Communications Service):  Incident Command Communications
  1. Philip Joffe says:

    I want in.

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