The City of Los Angeles has recently embarked on a four year journey to update the General Plan. The General Plan is the constitution for future growth and development within the city. It is at the heart and foundation of the city’s long-range vision and serves as the basis for decisions that affect all aspects […]
The City of Los Angeles has recently embarked on a four year journey to update the General Plan. The General Plan is the constitution for future growth and development within the city. It is at the heart and foundation of the city’s long-range vision and serves as the basis for decisions that affect all aspects of our everyday lives – from where we live and work to how we move about and where we spend our time with friends and family.
OurLA2040 will set policies that will take us into the year 2040. Six major themes will be covered as part of this effort: our community, our economy, our environment, our geography, our parks and open space, and our safety. While OurLA2040’s plan is a policy document that outlines goals, objectives, policies, and programs to guide growth in the city, it is also a community document and captures a collective vision for the future of the City of Los Angeles.
Your voice is important for this process. The Planning Department and the OurLA2040 team invite you to take the OurLA2040 Vision Survey and share your thoughts about our great city.
Click here to take the survey. For more information, go to ourla2040.org
or email ourla2040@lacity.org.