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Get Out and Vote

On November 8, there is much at stake for our country and our communities. We will be electing a new President, electing a new U.S. Senator for the first time in more than two decades, and casting votes for other federal and state offices. Even more pronounced in this election is the number of initiatives […]

On November 8, there is much at stake for our country and our communities. We will be electing a new President, electing a new U.S. Senator for the first time in more than two decades, and casting votes for other federal and state offices. Even more pronounced in this election is the number of initiatives and measures on our very long ballot.
Those of us who reside in the City of Los Angeles have a grand total of 24 state, LA County, Community College District and local measures on which we must educate ourselves and vote — many of these measures will dramatically impact our daily lives in Southern California. Because of the complexity of the measures and the confusion sewn by the deluge of paid advertisements both for and against them, I urge you all to read up this weekend, if you haven’t done so already. As President Franklin Roosevelt once said, “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”
Make Your Way Down the Ballot
Some examples of statewide ballot measures are Propositions 56 (increasing the tobacco tax), 63 (stricter gun violence prevention laws) and 67 (reaffirming the state’s ban on plastic bags). Click here for the official statewide voter guide. For a simplified, non-partisan look at all the statewide propositions, read this.
At the County level, we’ll be voting on Measure M (dedicating $120 billion to improving the transit system) and Measure A (more funding for parks).
And in the City of Los Angeles, we have Proposition HHH (providing housing for the homeless population), among others. Click here for a voter guide explaining the local measures.
Find Your Polling Place
If you haven’t already voted by mail and you want to skip Election Day lines, consider voting early this weekend. Find other early voting locations here:

For those of you who prefer to cast your ballot on Election Day, click here to find your polling location: The link also takes you to sample ballots in a host of different languages. Remember, polls are open on November 8 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Your Vote Matters

Please go out and vote. It matters. Our democracy relies on the participation of all of its members to thrive and survive. This election presents another vital opportunity for the people to shape the future of our city and country.

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