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Candidate Filing Now Open for Joining the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council Board

Candidate enrollment for Neighborhood Councils in central City and Hollywood is open now, and enrollment for NCs in the Northeast and East part of the City opens this Friday! The 2020/21 Neighborhood Council Elections – which will take place entirely via Vote-By-Mail – are being held on a series of 12 different regional dates from […]

Candidate enrollment for Neighborhood Councils in central City and Hollywood is open now, and enrollment for NCs in the Northeast and East part of the City opens this Friday!
The 2020/21 Neighborhood Council Elections – which will take place entirely via Vote-By-Mail – are being held on a series of 12 different regional dates from November 2020 through June 2021. Ninety-one of LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils are holding elections this season.
To allow time for voters to receive and return their ballots in a timely manner, voters must request their Vote-By-Mail ballots online or by regular mail during an enrollment period that ends one week before their NC’s official Election Day.

Canoga Park Neighborhood Council’s Election Day (Region 3) is Tuesday, May 4, 2021.

Look up your NC’s Election Day here, and check out our invite in the article below to join us at an upcoming NC Candidate Info Session in December!
Learn more about the 2020/21 NC Elections in the Elections FAQ section below, or visit

2020/21 NC Elections FAQs

Who can run for office on a Neighborhood Council?

Unlike other city, state, or federal elections, voting and being a candidate in Neighborhood Council (NC) elections is open to more than just the residents of a community.
Participation is open to those who live, work, or own property or a business within an NC’s boundaries, as well as to “community interest stakeholders,” such as church members, local students (or parents of students), or members of local service organizations.
Candidates need not be US citizens or legal residents to qualify. Participation is also open to the formerly incarcerated.
The minimum age to vote is 16; the minimum age to run for most NC seats is 18, except for Youth Seat candidates, who may be between the ages of 16-18.

When is my Neighborhood Council’s Election Day?

Canoga Park Neighborhood Council’s Election Day (Region 3) is Tuesday, May 4, 2021.

Neighborhood Council elections are happening on a series of 12 regional dates between November 2020 and mid-June 2021. Please note that voting in all NC elections this season will be exclusively Vote-By-Mail.
91 of LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils are holding elections this season – look up your NC’s Election Day date and Election Region # here:

When is my candidate application due? February 16

Candidate applications open a few months before each regional Election Day, with start dates ranging from mid-November 2020 to mid-February 2021.
To determine your NC’s candidate filing window, find your NC’s Election Region # on the list linked above; then look up timeline details for your Election Region at the link below (scroll down to see Regional details):
To file as a 2021 candidate, please visit the City Clerk’s candidate filing page here:
This page has links to important information about the election. Please take the time to read through the links if you’re unfamiliar with any of the topics. When you are ready to file, please click the link to the “NC Candidate Filing Portal” and either log in or register for a new account. Then simply follow the instructions provided.

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