If you are 18+ living in Los Angeles, or if you are an adult who has ever lived in Los Angeles, then Join the City of Los Angeles’ Civil Rights Department and its Reparations Advisory Commission’s “Black Experience Study LIVE!” to learn about the City’s plans for reparations in LA, and join the study in real time on September 14 at 10AM, 2PM or 6PM. Please […]
If you are 18+ living in Los Angeles, or if you are an adult who has ever lived in Los Angeles, then
Join the City of Los Angeles’ Civil Rights Department and its Reparations Advisory Commission’s “Black Experience Study LIVE!” to learn about the City’s plans for reparations in LA, and join the study in real time on September 14 at 10AM, 2PM or 6PM. Please register in advance at the link below.
Log in https://us02web.zoom.us/
For more information on the LA Reparations Advisory Commission, visit Reparations4LA.com, email lacr-reparations@lacity.