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“Best of…” Award Presented to Canoga Park Neighborhood Council

This year has seen great improvements in the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council. The leadership has reinvigorated the Council and by actively recruiting talented people with a desire to serve, this Board has accomplished much in the last year. Here are some examples: The Council organized a very successful Job Fair that attracted over 500 attendees. […]


This year has seen great improvements in the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council. The leadership has reinvigorated the Council and by actively recruiting talented people with a desire to serve, this Board has accomplished much in the last year. Here are some examples:

  • The Council organized a very successful Job Fair that attracted over 500 attendees. The Fair provided hope and opportunity for all of the participants.
  • The Council co-organized a Mass Drill at the Madrid Theatre in Canoga Park. The Drill simulated how the community would be impacted after a 7.2 earthquake. The attendees saw first-hand how CERT responds to such a catastrophe. The event was well attended and garnered many new people wanting to enroll in CERT training programs. It also served as a training opportunity for CERT personnel.
  • Canoga Park Neighborhood Council also was part of the coalition that organized the District 3 Public Safety Fair on Emergency Preparedness.
  • The Board has made it standard operating procedure to post all Council notices both in English and Spanish.
  • Canoga Park has shown consistent participation in the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils.

And because of the Council’s Outreach and persistent attention to the community, the voter participation in this election cycle increased by 400% over the last election!

Canoga Park is fortunate to have hard working and dedicated Board members. A big thank you to James Sweet for his diligence in organizing the Job Fair and Bill Ratner for his fine work with the Sea Cadets and CERT.

As we know with any organization, the leadership is what makes the difference. VANC wants to especially recognize Corinne Ho, the president of Canoga Park Neighborhood Council. She is an outstanding example of such leadership. She made it her goal to reinvigorate the Council and she has distinguished herself by inspiring her Board and her community with her fortitude, her work ethic and her achievements.

We are proud to award the “Best of…” Award for Neighborhood Council Improvements through Community Outreach to the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council.


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